Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day two really flew...by!

Shalom from Israel!

After a good night sleep, the second day was way better. Visiting the Ayalon Institute was an experience after hearing so much about it. I definitely imagined it differently. It was very cool to learn the history of the bullet factory and how the people operated it. We continued our journey to an archaeological dig where we went spelunking. I don't think anyone on our trip had ever done that before. Going through a candlelit cave that had low ceilings and tight spots was something we all enjoyed. Then we  got to excavate a site where we dug up pottery, bones, charcoal, and even copper. It was an amazing day.

Ok, we just met the Kol Haneshamah kids and I happened to see my good friend Netta whom I met at camp George two years ago. This is the first time I've seen her since then. The Israeli teens lead group games including 'the wind blows', 'sheep', and 'speed dating'. We ate pizza. I had a slice with corn topping for the first time. Now that was an interesting taste combination. All in all, we talked about our differences and realized we have more similaities than we do differences. This was a precious night, thank you for helping me come Temple Sinai. 
Love davrielle (dove).

On the bus we are getting to know everyone better, practicing our sentence of Torah  for Shabbat with Rabbi Michael and Cantor Katie and hearing all the  stories of Israel from Jeremy, our tour guide.  We are in good hands as our bus driver, Avi has a Toronto connection. His cousin owns Dr. Laffa! The drive today was particularly beautiful. This time of year has luscious greens and multi-coloured flowers.  

Chodesh tov! Happy new month of Nissan. 


  1. Thanks to all of you for sharing! It is wonderful to her about your experiences so soon after they happen. Also very reassuring to know you are all in such good hands.
    Please encourage everyone to post, it is a great archive for you to have of your journey.
    Shalom and Enjoy!

  2. I can't wait until the next post come up.......each night I read the post and try to imagine where you all are, what you are doing and what an amazing time you must be having. It is wonderful to hear the reflections of the teens on the trip about how Israel is already touching their lives. Thank you so much for giving all our teens such an important and life changing experience.
    Can't wait for tomorrows post!!!!!
    Hugs for a cold and grey Toronto

  3. Great to see your posts. Keep spelunking and chanting ...

